Friday, September 17, 2010

One Tough Mother

I was in a bookstore with a friend and Avery last weekend.  Avery had been a little challenging all week, due to not enough napping, cutting all 4 eye teeth and generally being 15 months old. 

She was in her stroller in said bookstore when she started (loudly) complaining about sitting in the stroller while I was browsing at books.  Because I was with a friend and will every once in a while do {almost} anything to pacify the munchkin in order to have a little adult time, I let her out of the stroller.  I have since discovered that by doing this, I broke the cardinal rule of parenting.  Avery then thought, “Hey, I won!” and proceeded to run around the bookstore while contemplating tearing pages out of all the books and dropping breakable gifts (which, by the way, are placed far too low). 

Avery meandered her way over the clearance book section.  It was right by where we were, it was keeping her entertained for a minute, and honestly I thought, “Well, at least if she tears a page, its on clearance.” She then picked up a book, toddled over and handed it to me.  The book?  A parenting book titled One Tough Mother

Saturday, July 31, 2010

1 years* old/ Catch up

I started this post about 2 months ago.  I know, I know, Mother of the Year:)  Here’s an update.

Yes, our little princess turned 1 on May 28.  I know it sounds cliche, but seriously, where did the year go?  She had a great birthday.  On her actual birthday, we met daddy for lunch, played outside, took a walk, took 2 naps, went to a petting farm and ate cake and ice cream.  All the makings of a killer 1st bday.

Avery was especially interested in the goats at the petting farm.  While I didn’t actually let her pet them (hey, I didn’t even want to!), she loved them and kept calling them (as well as the cows) dada.  This was much to daddy’s dismay.

She thoroughly enjoyed the cupcake and ice cream.  She’s been rather Gandhi-ish lately, going on hunger strikes and all (unless Cheerios are offered), so we were happy that she was eating something.  She kind of looked at me like, “Why have you been holding out on me, lady?  I mean, really, beef and mixed veggies from a jar?”

The festivities picked up a notch or 500 on Saturday when her “surprise party” happened.  Avery was shocked when Grandma and Grandpa Johnson, U. Troy and A. Liz, U. Riz, and A. Katie showed up.  Shocking.

We had the best time, and Avery did too, as she got lots of great gifts including a sand/water table from G&G, cute clothes, a basketball/baseball/football toy, books and lots of other great stuff.  We just kind of hung out here all weekend, grilled out, ordered pizza, played outside, and went to the outlet malls.  We were so glad that we were able to have family out.  It was quite cozy in our little home, but we made it work.

At one year, Avery was taking some steps, saying a few words (mama, dada, doggy), taking 2 naps/ day, eating mostly baby food and starting to eat some “real” food, had 8 teeth, and a great personality.  She loves to dance (shoulder/penguin dance), loves music, singing, playing with her kitchen and moving.  Seriously, the child does not stop moving.  We know she’s ready to have a nap or go to bed or take a nap when she literally just lays on the floor for a minute.  She goes until she can go no more.  She loves taking walks in the stroller, swinging on the swing, being with mom and dad, loves other kids a lot and tries to talk to each and everyone she sees.  Loves her Grandma and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles.  Generally loves people unless you work in the church nursery, then you are the devil incarnate.

At one year: Avery was 30 inches long (off the charts), weighed 21 lbs 11 oz (75th percentile), and I can’t remember what her head measurement was, but its still off the charts..thanks, Dad.

We love her like crazy and can’t imagine what we’d do without her.  She truly brings us lots of joy and happiness!!  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

unexpected answer

The beginning of a phone conversation last night with my sister, Katie.

Me: Hello?

K: Hi!

Me: Hi!

K: How are you doing?

Me: I’m doing okay.  How are you?

K: I’m doing pretty good….just got home from ice skating lessons.

Me: Of course you did.

I can honestly say I didn’t see that one coming. 

Congratulations on being moved out of the beginner level, Kate.  (And don’t lose your book…you only get one per lifetime).  Love you!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love my husband.

But he has some, um….quirks.  Yes, let’s call them quirks.

Quirk no. 1.  Sickness and how husband deals with them. 

A week or two ago, Tim got sick.  He had a cough and a fever of 99.0.  To be fair, our ear thermometer said he had a temp of 100.0 in the other ear.  The cough and the (very low grade) fever were the symptoms.  Tim, obviously, diagnosed himself with whooping cough.  He walked around like a zombie for about three days, claiming he probably shouldn’t change a diaper, or do anything to help with A.  Then, he said he thought he should go to the doc.  YES!  Finally someone (other than me) to convince him that I didn’t need to call the morgue and let them know he was on his way.  I mean, I understand that a cough stinks and that it wasn’t fun to have a temp .4 degrees above normal….piping hot.  But, what he fails to understand is that I would have A LOT more sympathy for him if he wouldn’t act like everything he did would probably be his last.  Any tips, ladies?

Quirk no. 2.  Phone calls from work from husband.

This is a typical phone conversation when Tim calls me from work:

Me: Hello?

T: Hey.

Me: Hey.


Me: What’s up?

T: Nothing.

Me: What are you doing?

T: Working.

Me: How’s is going? Anything happening today?

T: Not really.

Me: Oh, well, we’ve just been playing…went for a walk earlier.  Avery’s been really cute, she just smiled at me and it was the cutest smile (etc.).

T: Oh, great.  Well, I should get back to work.

Me: Okay.  (Wondering if he remembered that he actually called me, and not vice versa).  Great talking with you *sarcasm*.

T: (Not picking up on the sarcasm).  Yeah, love you. Bye.

Riveting, eh?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Delayed posting

So, I have been getting called out for not blogging more frequently (by the 2 people who read this), so here you go, Mom and Stacey.  :) 

Avery and I went back to Iowa for a week about 2 weeks ago.  It was, shockingly, the easiest airplane trip we have taken so far.  The TSA workers at Dayton were especially helpful in getting my stroller through the x-ray machines and testing my formula.  Avery did well on the planes (thankfully her reflux is over and I no longer have to carry 20 bibs with me for an hour trip), and enjoyed walking around O’Hare during our connection.  No delays, difficulties or diaper explosions!  Yay, us!

We had a great time visiting everyone and it was really fun to see A warm up to all of her aunts and uncles during the trip.  She genuinely loved them all…for some, it took a little extra effort..Uncle Ryan was hopping around like a kangaroo to get smiles.  Avery makes them work for attention.

We also got to celebrate Troy and Elizabeth’s upcoming marriage with a shower for Elizabeth at Mimi’s cafe.  We are so excited to have her officially in the family.  Her and Troy make a perfect couple and it just feels right that she will be a John-son.  Her mom was also able to come to the shower since she was in town to help Eliz with wedding stuff before the big day.  What a sweet mom---I remember Sally from when we lived in Orion, but hadn’t seen her in years…I am very thankful for the great family Troy is marrying into.  We can’t wait for the wedding…its coming soon!  (But still plenty of time for planning—for Elizabeth if she is reading).

We also got to see my college roommate and dear friend, Angie while we were back.  Its always great to see her…and this time  we got to meet her new little one, Yirah.  What a doll and what a beautiful family.  I think Avery was scaring Moriah a  bit…Avery was loving a lot of M’s toys:)  It will be fun to see them all as they grow up!

Avery updates:  getting her molars (teeth #9 and #10), crawling fast!, pulling up on everything, lots of bumps to the head, blowing raspberries (thanks, Grandma), hair getting long (looking cute with bows), 18 month old clothes already, 30 inches, 22 lbs, great smile, says “mama” and “dada”, loves “doggies” and says “daadaa”, loves tubby time and being naked, loves cords and strings, puffs and cheerios, juice, eating in general, taking rides in the stroller, riding in the shopping cart, when daddy comes home from work, Grandma and Grandpa, aunts and uncles, singing (especially when songs include the word Avery), clapping, super cute. (biased, yes).  Hates: the church nursery and her nemesis, the post-meal washcloth.

I should put some pics on here, eh?  To prove the super cute part, at least.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sea Legs

Today has been one of those days...I feel like I need to go to the gym to rest!

Avery is wonderfully active now. She has taken quite a few hits to the head including one bad one today. She now has a bump on the back of her head (for which I get Worst Mom of the Week Award...I was a social worker long enough to know what would possibly qualify one for Worst Mom of the Year).

I called the nurse hotline to make sure I didn't need to bring her in to check on it, get some advice on what I should do, and probably to alleviate some guilt. I explained to the nurse that she fell about an hour ago, hit her head and had a bump. She then asked me if Avery was unconscious.

Um, yeah, I've just been letting her lay around unconscious...I thought I would give it an hour and then call the nurse hotline.

No! She's not unconscious...just has a bump. I thought it was kind of comical.

Avery's trying to pull up on everything but doesn't quite have her sea legs yet, which makes the topples pretty frequent. I feel like I'm spotting an inexperinced rock climber for about 5 hours per day. She's getting braver and she's real cute though.

The day has been generally dragging along for some reason....but alas, its almost 5:00 and T-Dids will be home soon! Yippee.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dedication, Grams and Gramps visit, and 1st V-day

Well, I took (another) hiatus from the blogger world. I think I am going to keep my posts shorter overall, which will help me blog more frequently. I have a lot of funny stuff to say, don't get me wrong, but until someone pays me for my time, I might just keep my (self-declared) hilarity to a few blogs here and there, my hubs, and phone conversations...

Moving on...G and G Johnson came out for a visit over the weekend. They knew Tim and I would want to be with them on Valentines Day;) Actually, they also wanted to be here for Avery's baby dedication at our church. It was great to have them out here and although our life is a little slow between naps and early bedtimes, we had a great time with them here. We all wish we lived a bit closer, of course. (Sometimes I think Grandma wishes she lived next door).

Avery's baby dedication went well, except for all the crying she did on stage. The pastor (whom Avery has never really seen up close) asked to hold her...on front of everyone. I didn't know how to politely decline in front of 500-600 people, so I handed her over and prepared for the worst. I thought she was going to make it at first, due to a microphone cord (she's already a techie) she found on the pastor. But, nope, as soon as he started talking, she started acting like she just got bitten by a tiger. *sigh* She looked very cute, however, and mission was accomplished...we agreed to raise her to the best of our ability to know and love simple thing in today's world.

Avery also had her first Valentines Day. We thought we would get her an activity table to celebrate. This table is now known as "My Worst Parenting Decision So Far". It plays music....loudly...and pretty much everything you touch makes noise....and it has no on/off switch or volume control...Yeah, next time I'll pay the extra $15 for that luxury.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What I Didn’t Know

Well, 2010 is officially here.  Y2KX is what they are calling it, apparently.  What did 2009 bring for me, you ask?  A new job for my husband, the end of working outside our home for me (for awhile at least), a new home and most significantly, a baby!  Wow.  As much as life changes when you get married, move away, start a new job, buy a home, stop working…etc…nothing can prepare you for the changes that having a little one brings. 

Pregnancy prepares you  for some changes.  During the first 20 weeks, you feel “huge”. Oh no, *gasp* my skinny jeans don’t fit.  And then by the end of pregnancy, you’re just hoping you can find a pant/shirt combination that actually covers your entire midsection, or at least comes close enough so you don’t end up in one of those Wal-Mart emails.  Then there are those women (shouldn’t women know better?) that ask if you are having “multiples” (c’mon ladies, at least say twins!  Do I really look as big as Octomom?).  I mean, really…I feel about as attractive as roadkill….don’t make it worse.  And then there’s morning sickness (or night/all day sickness as I would have it) and the smells or words that can make you sick by just thinking about them.  I couldn’t set foot in the main floor of our townhouse during my first trimester due to a mystery smell (that Tim still insists doesn’t exist…sidenote to husbands—do not tell your prego wife that something doesn’t smell…we are like bloodhounds while pregnant…and hormonal—just agree and at least give the appearance of trying to find the horrible smell!) and I still feel a little sick when I think about hamburger helper, but then again, maybe that’s normal.  I also got the added bonus of wearing prescription pregnancy pantyhose during the last 3-4 months of pregnancy.  Wow, that was fun.  In addition to adding a half hour to my morning routine (have you ever tried to put these things on?..think overstuffed sausage),  my body was operating at about 110 degrees pre-pantyhose, so it was around 150 with those lovelies on.  Thankfully, they come in a fashionable nude shade, which virtually goes with everything!  And all of this happens before the labor even begins.

The interesting thing for my labor and delivery was how much preparation went into getting ready to head to the hospital.  Tim and I looked like we could have been going on a month-long vacation when we showed up at the hospital complete with massage lotions, pillows, scented candles and some sweets.  Almost sounds like a Valentines weekend getaway, doesn’t it?  We were obviously first-timers.  We also took the childbirth classes and learned all sorts of pain management techniques (which is why we brought along above noted items).  When I was actually in labor, however, my nurse Virginia (who usually works in the OR and whose son was a Navy SEAL—she obviously had little sympathy for any amount of pain I was experiencing evidenced by the fact  that she never asked me how I was feeling the entire day) told me that none of those techniques work anyways, and to just lay there and watch TV, which I did.  The epidural proved to be the only pain management technique that I used.  Could have saved myself 2 days worth of class and about $60 had I known that.

Then there is the week following delivery….no one prepares you for that.  Ouch.  No one tells you that your biggest fear post-partum will be using the restroom.  And nothing prepares you for the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding while sleep deprived.  Ouchie (how can this little person with no teeth feel like a staple gun?).

Now, I realize, for the record, that my pregnancy experience is very typical and that things could be way, way, way worse…I know there are people that cannot have children or that have miscarriages or have lots of medical problems or that have awful pregnancies the entire time.  I know that I am very blessed to have a healthy baby and no complications. 

All of this to say, that the one thing people tell you but you don’t expect is that it is ALL worth it.  You truly feel that way---100%.  You think, up until you have that baby (or maybe about 2 months into parenthood) that parents are gluttons for punishment—people do this more than once on purpose?!?!.  I mean fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!  The moment you see that little face that you (with the help of your husband and a miracle from God) made, you would wear those stupid pregnancy pantyhose, barf a few times a week for months, and walk around resembling a watermelon again (maybe not soon, but sometime).  Somehow love really does conquer all in the case of a baby.  Even during those sleepless nights and late night feedings, you know that this is a special, fleeting time in life and try hard to enjoy even the hard times when truest meaning of love has to be revealed so you can get up…again…to feed, change, burp, soothe…that miracle in the crib.

About Me

I love Jesus, my husband, my munchkin, my family and friends.