Friday, February 19, 2010

Sea Legs

Today has been one of those days...I feel like I need to go to the gym to rest!

Avery is wonderfully active now. She has taken quite a few hits to the head including one bad one today. She now has a bump on the back of her head (for which I get Worst Mom of the Week Award...I was a social worker long enough to know what would possibly qualify one for Worst Mom of the Year).

I called the nurse hotline to make sure I didn't need to bring her in to check on it, get some advice on what I should do, and probably to alleviate some guilt. I explained to the nurse that she fell about an hour ago, hit her head and had a bump. She then asked me if Avery was unconscious.

Um, yeah, I've just been letting her lay around unconscious...I thought I would give it an hour and then call the nurse hotline.

No! She's not unconscious...just has a bump. I thought it was kind of comical.

Avery's trying to pull up on everything but doesn't quite have her sea legs yet, which makes the topples pretty frequent. I feel like I'm spotting an inexperinced rock climber for about 5 hours per day. She's getting braver and she's real cute though.

The day has been generally dragging along for some reason....but alas, its almost 5:00 and T-Dids will be home soon! Yippee.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dedication, Grams and Gramps visit, and 1st V-day

Well, I took (another) hiatus from the blogger world. I think I am going to keep my posts shorter overall, which will help me blog more frequently. I have a lot of funny stuff to say, don't get me wrong, but until someone pays me for my time, I might just keep my (self-declared) hilarity to a few blogs here and there, my hubs, and phone conversations...

Moving on...G and G Johnson came out for a visit over the weekend. They knew Tim and I would want to be with them on Valentines Day;) Actually, they also wanted to be here for Avery's baby dedication at our church. It was great to have them out here and although our life is a little slow between naps and early bedtimes, we had a great time with them here. We all wish we lived a bit closer, of course. (Sometimes I think Grandma wishes she lived next door).

Avery's baby dedication went well, except for all the crying she did on stage. The pastor (whom Avery has never really seen up close) asked to hold her...on front of everyone. I didn't know how to politely decline in front of 500-600 people, so I handed her over and prepared for the worst. I thought she was going to make it at first, due to a microphone cord (she's already a techie) she found on the pastor. But, nope, as soon as he started talking, she started acting like she just got bitten by a tiger. *sigh* She looked very cute, however, and mission was accomplished...we agreed to raise her to the best of our ability to know and love simple thing in today's world.

Avery also had her first Valentines Day. We thought we would get her an activity table to celebrate. This table is now known as "My Worst Parenting Decision So Far". It plays music....loudly...and pretty much everything you touch makes noise....and it has no on/off switch or volume control...Yeah, next time I'll pay the extra $15 for that luxury.

About Me

I love Jesus, my husband, my munchkin, my family and friends.