Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love my husband.

But he has some, um….quirks.  Yes, let’s call them quirks.

Quirk no. 1.  Sickness and how husband deals with them. 

A week or two ago, Tim got sick.  He had a cough and a fever of 99.0.  To be fair, our ear thermometer said he had a temp of 100.0 in the other ear.  The cough and the (very low grade) fever were the symptoms.  Tim, obviously, diagnosed himself with whooping cough.  He walked around like a zombie for about three days, claiming he probably shouldn’t change a diaper, or do anything to help with A.  Then, he said he thought he should go to the doc.  YES!  Finally someone (other than me) to convince him that I didn’t need to call the morgue and let them know he was on his way.  I mean, I understand that a cough stinks and that it wasn’t fun to have a temp .4 degrees above normal….piping hot.  But, what he fails to understand is that I would have A LOT more sympathy for him if he wouldn’t act like everything he did would probably be his last.  Any tips, ladies?

Quirk no. 2.  Phone calls from work from husband.

This is a typical phone conversation when Tim calls me from work:

Me: Hello?

T: Hey.

Me: Hey.


Me: What’s up?

T: Nothing.

Me: What are you doing?

T: Working.

Me: How’s is going? Anything happening today?

T: Not really.

Me: Oh, well, we’ve just been playing…went for a walk earlier.  Avery’s been really cute, she just smiled at me and it was the cutest smile (etc.).

T: Oh, great.  Well, I should get back to work.

Me: Okay.  (Wondering if he remembered that he actually called me, and not vice versa).  Great talking with you *sarcasm*.

T: (Not picking up on the sarcasm).  Yeah, love you. Bye.

Riveting, eh?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Delayed posting

So, I have been getting called out for not blogging more frequently (by the 2 people who read this), so here you go, Mom and Stacey.  :) 

Avery and I went back to Iowa for a week about 2 weeks ago.  It was, shockingly, the easiest airplane trip we have taken so far.  The TSA workers at Dayton were especially helpful in getting my stroller through the x-ray machines and testing my formula.  Avery did well on the planes (thankfully her reflux is over and I no longer have to carry 20 bibs with me for an hour trip), and enjoyed walking around O’Hare during our connection.  No delays, difficulties or diaper explosions!  Yay, us!

We had a great time visiting everyone and it was really fun to see A warm up to all of her aunts and uncles during the trip.  She genuinely loved them all…for some, it took a little extra effort..Uncle Ryan was hopping around like a kangaroo to get smiles.  Avery makes them work for attention.

We also got to celebrate Troy and Elizabeth’s upcoming marriage with a shower for Elizabeth at Mimi’s cafe.  We are so excited to have her officially in the family.  Her and Troy make a perfect couple and it just feels right that she will be a John-son.  Her mom was also able to come to the shower since she was in town to help Eliz with wedding stuff before the big day.  What a sweet mom---I remember Sally from when we lived in Orion, but hadn’t seen her in years…I am very thankful for the great family Troy is marrying into.  We can’t wait for the wedding…its coming soon!  (But still plenty of time for planning—for Elizabeth if she is reading).

We also got to see my college roommate and dear friend, Angie while we were back.  Its always great to see her…and this time  we got to meet her new little one, Yirah.  What a doll and what a beautiful family.  I think Avery was scaring Moriah a  bit…Avery was loving a lot of M’s toys:)  It will be fun to see them all as they grow up!

Avery updates:  getting her molars (teeth #9 and #10), crawling fast!, pulling up on everything, lots of bumps to the head, blowing raspberries (thanks, Grandma), hair getting long (looking cute with bows), 18 month old clothes already, 30 inches, 22 lbs, great smile, says “mama” and “dada”, loves “doggies” and says “daadaa”, loves tubby time and being naked, loves cords and strings, puffs and cheerios, juice, eating in general, taking rides in the stroller, riding in the shopping cart, when daddy comes home from work, Grandma and Grandpa, aunts and uncles, singing (especially when songs include the word Avery), clapping, super cute. (biased, yes).  Hates: the church nursery and her nemesis, the post-meal washcloth.

I should put some pics on here, eh?  To prove the super cute part, at least.

About Me

I love Jesus, my husband, my munchkin, my family and friends.