Thursday, February 21, 2008

not so urgent

so tim and i went to "urgent care" last night. we weren't really needing urgent care, but we actually thought we may have had strep throat and wanted antibiotics. tim actually thought about just using some leftover meds from some other illness to do self-treatment but didn't think he had the right ones left over:) i'm serious about this...he's crazy.

so off we went to urgent care. those urgent care places just seem germ infested, like, if you aren't actually sick when you go, you will be when you leave. you know the kind of place. anyways, we decided that only one of us would get checked out...that way if we don't need medication, we didn't waste money since we both have the same symptoms. but, "what if you do need medication?" you ask...well, tim decided that they always give you more (you probably only need 5 days of antibiotics if they give you a prescription for 10), so we would just share. i know, he's lovably ridiculous. :)

well, we get there and the doc comes in and tim tells him the symptoms...the doc kind of looks at us, you realize this is called "urgent care", right? clearly, a "dry cough" and sore throat wasn't urgent enough. one throat swab and a few semi-corny jokes later, we find out we have all the symptoms for the flu. who knew? we didn't.

what happened to the flu we had as kids...the kind where mom brings you 7-up and toast and you sit on the couch and watch tv with a bucket near by? does this flu exist still? we have a glorified cold, in my opinion.


Jaymie said... is rough. As I recall you could make yourself sick at will...just about time for the next band lesson. Is that the flu you refer to in your blog? As for the antibiotics, need to take all 10 days of the antibiotics to have the true effect. At least it is not monkey pox or Sars. Those were the urgent care days. You two take care. Lucky you can lay on the couch right now if you want and I can bring in the old bucket! Love you! Mom

Tim and Jaymie White said...

Seems like this blog is being updated not so urgently...

About Me

I love Jesus, my husband, my munchkin, my family and friends.